Saját esküvői hashtagüknek hála, amit helyi fotósuk és vendégeik is sűrűn használtak, végigkövethettem online Kata és Raj hongkongi helyszínű indiai esküvőjét. És mivel nem sikerült találkoznunk a jegyesfotózás előtt, ezek a fotók segítettek kialakítani egy képet róluk. Aztán elérkezett az itteni esküvő napja, és élőben is megtapasztalhattam mindent: hogy mennyire át tudják élni, hogy ők vannak a figyelem központjában, hogy akkor érzik jól magukat, ha a család és barátok veszik körül őket. Szívet melengető volt látni, hogy az esküvő napja a különböző nyelvek és kultúrák találkozásáról szólt, jókora adag jókedvvel és optimizmussal fűszerezve. A hangulat végül a fergeteges buliban oldódott fel igazán. Kata és Raj, tetszett esküvőtök minden perce, köszönöm, hogy engem bíztatok meg ezzel a nagy feladattal és örök boldogságot kívánok nektek!
Thanks to their own wedding hashtag used frequently by their local photographer and guests I was able to follow online Kata and Raj's Indian wedding officiated in Hong Kong. As it was not possible for us to meet before the e-session, those photos helped me get to know them. Then the day of their Transylvanian wedding arrived, and I had the opportunity to experience in real life what I had only guessed before: that they live intensely being in the center of the attention, and that they also enjoy being surrounded by family and friends. It was heartwarming to see that their wedding day was gravitating around the meeting of different languages and cultures, spiced with a generous amount of good mood and optimism. Finally the spirits got really high at the party. Kata and Raj, I enjoyed every minute of your wedding, thank you for entrusting me this big task and I wish you all the best in your life together!
Thanks to their own wedding hashtag used frequently by their local photographer and guests I was able to follow online Kata and Raj's Indian wedding officiated in Hong Kong. As it was not possible for us to meet before the e-session, those photos helped me get to know them. Then the day of their Transylvanian wedding arrived, and I had the opportunity to experience in real life what I had only guessed before: that they live intensely being in the center of the attention, and that they also enjoy being surrounded by family and friends. It was heartwarming to see that their wedding day was gravitating around the meeting of different languages and cultures, spiced with a generous amount of good mood and optimism. Finally the spirits got really high at the party. Kata and Raj, I enjoyed every minute of your wedding, thank you for entrusting me this big task and I wish you all the best in your life together!
Nagyon jo! Igy egy kicsit en is reszt vehettem! Sok boldogsagot!
VálaszTörlésKöszönöm szépen a magam és persze a pár nevében is!